Can We Please Hear Something Positive on the Economy?

My clients are calling and booking extra work. I had dinner with a friend recently who just got a nice promotion ( and get this, he works for a bank!) Someone else I know just moved into a she she condo on the harbour. The folks I know who depend on government pensions are getting the same money they were getting last year and still paying the same rent. No crisis there. So, I ask you, just who in the hell is really feeling the effects of the drastic downturn in our economy?

If we didn’t watch television and didn’t read the papers for a week, we would never know there are problems with the economy. The greatest problem I see with our economy is our media. The media is telling us that, overnight, we have begun living paycheque to paycheque and our savings have been decimated.

And this is news?

Let’s hear more stories about average Canadians whose lives have not changed one little bit since the Americans took their swan dive into the economic toilet. Let’s talk about the success, stability and same old same old all around us.

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